Wednesday 15 January 2014

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

For anyone who's read my blog posts, you should know I absolutely love watching movies. Besides horror, I have an absolute liking to indie and relaxed slice-of-life movies like Letters to Juliet, The Silver Linings Playbook and Juno.

Recently I watched The Secret Life of Walter Mitty with my family on the suggestion of my sister. I wasn't expecting much from the movie initially because there was very little publicity about the movie that's actually directed by the main actor himself, Ben Stiller. Ben Stiller is well-known for his comedy-genre movies so I was a little sceptical at first.

Apparently 20th Century Fox got this really great trailer maker to create the trailer for the movie, but at that same time a hurricane had hit the Philippines, so the trailer maker asked 20th Century Fox if he could use the sizeable amount of money they paid him to help make a difference for the Philippines. 20th Century Fox agreed so in the end they had to forgo the making of a great trailer, coming up with relatively low quality ones instead.

However the outcome was only so much better because my low expectations were met with a greatly satisfying show with splendid scenery of Iceland and Greenland, city life of New York, accompanied with wonderful indie music.

So The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is kinda like my show of the moment, and whenever I'm working on some document or just travelling to and fro school I listen to the soundtrack over and over again.

Jose Gonzalez - Step Out
Of Monsters and Men - Dirty Paws
Grace Mitchell - Maneater

I chose my favourite 3 but I love all the songs in the Youtube playlist. It's small things like listening to a great playlist of songs that keeps me going, especially these days when I'm feeling down in the dumps. If I were a Sim I'm very sure my Mood Meter is way down in alarming bright red.

I know it must be irritating for others, and even myself, that I'm walking around with clouds over my head. But things only seem to get worse. Of course I don't pull a long face every moment - I enjoyed myself during guitar ensemble practices. I actually find myself laughing and smiling and talking a lot more during guitar compared to probably the rest of my day. It's probably because in guitar the people there are all genuine and really funny and dorky, and we're all making music together as an ensemble.

I'll try my best to climb out of the ditch I'm in now, and try to be content, for myself if not for others.

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