Tuesday 12 November 2013

Identity Seekers

Are we who we are because of what we are perceived as?

Humans are funny creatures, not wanting to be labelled and grouped, but always seeking to fit into a family of so-called like-minded individuals, or searching for an identity.

They get all defensive when people tell them "You are this, you are that." yet they are always getting scared and asking "Who am I?"

We seem to always look like experts on others, saying they are this and that, judging behind backs.

"She's such a slut all she wants is to get close to guys."
"He's freaking irritating he's doing all that nonsense on purpose."

In the end we say all that because we are afraid of the unknown. We like to put a name or a label on everything, like in the picture. Everyone of us are cowards. We just want to feel safe.

Words are the most dangerous things ever. If I could be mute and deaf, I would probably be much happier, considering that the rubbish going through my ears exceeds the beautiful things like music and encouragement.

We make promises and oaths. "Gender equality", "Fairness" and all the other things uttered through false mouths. We refuse to face reality that there is never going to be things like that.

But who actually cares? These are all things we like to hear. And that's all that matters isn't it.

Nobody listens to the truth. Ugly ugly truths. Tell them the truth and await the offense and defense.
Who are you? Who are we? Who am I?
I am who i am. I am never who i was in the past. I may not be who i will be in the future. But you will never know me as myself because all you stubbornly remember is your perception of me.
I'm also at fault here, because i don't know you that well too.
So don't be afraid if you don't know who you are, because if you already know everything about yourself, then you're probably not that complex and special after all.
Don't let others tell you who you are. That's who they think you are. We're all just people picking up clues on the way. If someone tells you "I think you're this, i think you're that,", just smile, and if you know it is true whether it is a pleasant fact or not, accept it - don't reject yourself.
The outcome is still beautiful somehow.

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