Wednesday 25 September 2013

New inspirations

Promos are over!:) I hope I can promote haha but i'm not too worried about that now. I love the new pics I saved for this post, especially the one on top^^

All that's left this year is sickening PW (my senior Huibin just had to remind me of PW when I was "boasting" that my exams were over and his wasn't till Friday when I saw him on the way to the bus stop), and some guitar attendance admin to clean up (starting to regret being secretary). So i'm pretty much freed up for the rest of the year!

I'm starting to get some old resolutions kicked up and fired, the biggest one being trying to lose some flabs.

In fact tomorrow i'm starting on the exercise and diet schedule I planned for the week.

Hopefully I can do well enough to see the difference myself by start of December, which means I've about 2 plus months to try to stick to my plans - once I've nailed these few months, it should be easy to keep up with it cos it would be a habit by then.

You're probably thinking i'm being like most girls wanting to be ultra skinny and look good. Ultra skinny, no, cos that's just impossible given my everlasting love for good food (especially my mom's cooking which seems impossible to escape) , my laziness and my adoration for sleep. I would be lying if I said i'm doing all this only just to be fit cos I have an element of vanity behind all these plans. My biggest motivation is to be able to look fitting in nice clothes :)
I think the prettiest and most beautiful woman I've seen immortalised in a picture is Audrey Hepburn. She doesn't look smoking hot, or cute or any one thing, but she just has a lovely face that is like a piece of natural art. I like to think of a face as a canvas with details, my favourite detail being the eyes.
 I've always been drawn to nice eyes, and they don't always have to be huge eyes cos single lids have their special charm (though i'm mostly always captivated by big magnetic eyes). I don't think my eyes are the best-looking but i think they are special. I've got internal double lids which mostly makes me look like i'm single lid. I get my left double eyelid when I'm sick or feeling really tired, so I usually balance it up by using eyelid glue on my right eye. But most of the time I just put lid glue on both eyes to get the double eyelids that all my four family members obviously have that I don't.

I've recently been watching Glee from season 1 and I LOVE IT. It's such a colourful show, and I love colourful shows, like Pushing Daisies! The singers are just so good I feel so inspired. Since sec 4 I've been recording myself singing on my iPhone after i decided to adapt one of my band instructor's advice to record your own performances to check on your progress into my singing. Honestly I don't think I sing well, especially high notes, but i'm gonna try to upload one or two recordings that are safe on the ears after I've become more confident.
Another inspiration for singing is this not so recent cover by Jayesslee called Officially Missing You and it's been stuck in my head since I heard it a few times. I've been missing someone for quite some time now so i'm feeling like this is my song of the moment haha.
Speaking bout singing, 6 of us Chinese girls went to Katong Shopping Centre to karaoke at Teoheng Karaoke! It was great fun cos we just went all crazy and started screaming to songs like So What by P!nk. There was this funny moment where the song Yellow by Coldplay came up and the karaoke video was just a video of Chinese tourists at some Chinese temple and we were wondering why on earth has the song got to do with all that... until the lyrics "your skin...oh yeah your skin and bones..." came and we're all like OHHHHH omg that's racist! Yellow is supposed to be such a nice romantic song worth serenading to haha.
Besides losing weight and training my vocals, i'm also gonna be helping my secondary school military band train for their SYF next year. They have such a nice piece to play to, one of the theatrical pieces arranged for the military band. But Willie and I are mainly gonna train the members on marching techniques while the other few alumni who were ex-sectional leaders mostly are most probably gonna help with music. I do hope we win Certificate of Distinction next year, cos it's pretty sad that my batch has never gotten a Gold or higher for our three consecutive years of SYF.and I still attribute that to the constant change of instructors which led to the members feeling really disorganised and torn in loyalty.
Anyway, here's to a successful journey to the end of the year! Another lovely picture:

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