Friday 20 September 2013


I think this cat is so adorbs i feel like tying a bunch of helium balloons to Skippy's chest and see if he flies around too :B Skipp's cocooned in his blankie now staring at me, judging me O_O "I'm watching you woman."
Haha i'm kinda almost in party mode now cos most or rather all of my major papers are over and although I don't think I fared well enough to party, SO WHAT i'm just happy that i'm liberated from all the stress. Like when the paper is over some weight is lifted off my head and my brain becomes less saturated with exam info and stuff.
I've been having mixed emotions lately the past 2 weeks - angry, melancholic, contented, ashamed, amused, lonely and dazed.
Angry: "Don't turn your back on me. Why don't you stare at my back for a change and see how you like it. You've been dead for so long and now you turn up alive just to show me your back?"
Melancholic: "If I were drunk on alcohol I wonder what kind of things besides puke would escape unconsciously from my mouth - I don't know what my true feelings are and probably alcohol can force the truth out."
Contented: "Life's normal so far and i'm just an ordinary girl living a plain life without any surprises."
Ashamed: "I'm sorry for ever thinking that way I had no idea you had more important things to worry about I was so wrong."
Amused: "Running Man is funny :)"
Lonely: "On days like this riding the long bus journey home from one end of Singapore to another I wish I had that special one to make me feel like i'm not alone with his texts. At this time I could be having dinner with him. It must be nice having that special one and being your special one's special one."
Dazed: "What would I do with my life if an apocalypse never came?"
There are so many things I want to do in the future:
1) Own a Vespa and ride it around.
I've asked dad if he would let me ride a scooter and while mom was cool with everything that isn't outrageous he said if he didn't let my second sister learn how to ride a motorcycle he won't let me learn how to ride a scooter. Apparently dad finds it dangerous from his experience. Dad used to ride a motorcycle in his younger days, but an accident that resulted in him undergoing eye surgery put an end to all that.

I want a Vespa scooter cos cars would be expensive and motorcycles are too rough for me (I burnt my calf on my cousin's motorbike exhaust pipe before)

2) Live in New Zealand.
I don't really want to stay in Singapore, and it's not that I don't love it - Singapore is great with its security and cleanliness but it's too stressful staying here. Everything is about numbers and numbers and I don't think i'll ever find peace if I stay. In my dream house in NZ I want to raise some farm animals like cows and horses and chickens...and a pet pig! I am a lover of scenic places and I think NZ fits the bill really well

But I want to travel the world too, to USA, Paris, Italy, Africa, UK, the Arctic etc.
3) Have a career that most of my friends probably won't do in future
And my ambitious child-like mind plays with thoughts of being an actress, a singer, a militant and other stuff.
I want a refreshing, peaceful and beautiful life :)

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