Tuesday 3 March 2015


I'm wondering if I ever titled a post with the same title before...say 2 years ago? Because I'm feeling the same emotions I had back when I got my O Level results in 2013 - pure relief.

That same subtle apprehension underneath as I tried to walk in a calm and cool manner towards my class counter after Mr Najib and I made eye contact - Sam, come and get your results.

The same stunned atmosphere when he removed the paper that covered my results slip and revealed my destiny (hah Im gonna make myself barf). And then pure relief that flooded all over me and spread on my face in a smile that I couldn't help. 

Just like the time with my O Levels, I felt that I could have put in more effort into studying for my national exams. I have to be careful with how I put my words because some people might interpret my previous sentence as "I didn't have to study hard to get the results I got." Which makes me appear really arrogant. And no. In fact, I do wonder if I actually deserve the good grades I got, judging by how lazy I was to study.

But no matter, I'm just thankful to see the smiles on my family who are really really proud of me. It would have been bad if they had to think of how to comfort me if I did badly. 

I don't think a lot of people read my blog though I know of a handful of close friends who do. So I guess it's okay to just share my grades here. Reason being that some friends might not want to ask me directly how I fared for fear of having to deal with the awkward sympathy and consolation that comes after finding out a friend did not do well. I'm not trying to show off in any way because as I said, I still doubt my academic competence.

So here it is:


Total rank points: 83.75 / 90 

If you're wondering how to calculate rank points, I can't really help explain much but there's this really good online calculator (http://zueet.com/tools/a-level-university-ranking-points-calculator/) that I used.

So I guess I have a chance to pursue what I've always aimed for - Wee Kim Wee School of Communications at NTU. But I'm still keeping an eye out for other courses I might be interested in.

I'm really really relieved now, but the reality of university and the future ahead is starting to hit me. I'm a little nervous yet excited about what the future holds for me, but for now I will remember to be grateful and keep a humble mind.

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