Tuesday 17 June 2014

See No Touch

Note: From this post onward I'm gonna upload pictures of my own! Stacey cautioned me not to use so many (or not to use any) pictures from the Internet cos' there was a blogger who got fined for every picture she used without authorisation. It's frighteningly easy to save all the nice photos online and use them again because you want to share the beauty of these photos when it's actually illegal. So I'm gonna work hard on taking or editing equally or better good-looking beautiful pictures :)

The cover photo for this post is an edited version of one of the photos from my Korea trip album. If you like photo-editing on your phone to pass the time (like me, instead of carouselling too much) then I recommend the app PicsArt! It's really awesome and makes a whole lot of difference to the effect of the photo like this one that I took outside MBS before watching My Fair Lady:

Recently I've been coming across MMAAANNNYYY couples when I go out and somehow I go all ugh. There's this thing about close attachment that I'm somehow a little peeved about. I understand wanting to be close to the person quote "of your dreams", "your bae", "your cutie" but sometimes I wonder if being in a relationship romantically would be stifling. Imagine the amount of commitment you'd have to put in - won't it be emotionally draining? Perhaps i just haven't met the prophecised "One" yet that people seem to be looking for. It seems like once you've found that "one" you'd be willing to do anything, or you'd turn into a different person. But it depends on how much you're willing to lose your head for your heart.

Personally for now I enjoy the "See No Touch" process I'm going through - enjoy looking at and just casually getting to know people around me without being attached. Sure, I confess that I love looking at aesthetically pleasing guys like so many other girls (and I don't dare to get to know the very good looking ones because they are intimidating) but I don't just look at good-looking guys. I have guy friends that have admirable qualities that make feel that it's so cool to know them such as being musically talented, having great aspirations, being laidback etc.

See No Touch isn't so bad because if you think about it, being in a relationship kinda makes you guilty about looking at other people no matter how forgiving your partner is. And if you are unlucky enough to have unreliable friends that work as part time behind-your-back gossipers with a vast network of fellow gossipers, you can be darn sure that whatever secret eyecandy or close guy just-friends buddies you have will be made known to your partner. And if you are even unluckier to have a doubtful partner you can be darneddest sure that you'll have a hell of a time from him either directly or indirectly.

Why subject yourself to such unnecessary emotional stress when you can safely observe from afar? Touching anything can earn you the risk of getting yourself dirtied with wet paint.

And that stage of pure admiration that dwindles between nothing and getting to know that person seriously is always the most exhilirating and memorable (and cutest). Like the MVs for Akdong Musician's '200%' and 'Give Love' where the female lead gooses around the cute guy in a silly way.

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