Thursday 25 December 2014

Staycation at Changi Village

I mentioned in the previous post (that I wrote in a less candid style) that my family and I were on a staycation for the Christmas hols before Mom got admitted into the hospital. We were staying at the Village Changi Hotel for 3 days 2 nights for some quality family time, and to my great satisfaction I got to take plenty of pictures (kinda like striking off that resolution about going out to take pictures off that resolution list).

My sister Stacey and I headed to the hotel first ourselves on Tuesday since Dad and Mom were still working and could only join us at night that day. It was a beautiful hotel, but sadly I didn't take a picture of the room which was really cosy. Exhausted from taking the public transport all the way to Changi from our humble northwestern abode in Yew Tee, we just lounged on our beds watching The Lone Ranger on the television after checking into the two hotel rooms Stacey booked. When evening came, my sister suggested going down to walk, and she wanted to take me to where we could see the planes landing at the airport base.

Changi Village could be a kingdom of cats, because they were EVERYWHERE. It was like a sanctuary for them because unlike neighborhood cats you see these days that run at the sight of you, these cats seem really comfortable with people around. Just like how cat videos make people happy, I felt so pleased seeing so many cats around the area.

It was getting dark and the images were getting fuzzy, as you can see. If only you could see what I saw, because my photos (taken from my trusty iPhone) did not do justice to the great scenery I saw.

Dad and Mom met us at the Changi Village Hawker Centre after our walk and we had dinner together. The food there was amazing.

The next morning, we decided to abort the initial plan of going to Pulau Ubin since Mom was feeling poorly. We decided to head up to the roof of the hotel before going for breakfast and deciding our plans for the day.

After breakfast we decided to head to Changi Chapel Museum. I only got the photo of the entrance since no photography or videography was allowed inside. It stored artifacts from the WWII, and recounts from the prisoners of war and survivors. The funny thing was when I looked into the museum guestbook, a lot of tourists wrote "very sad" in the comments section. 

After the visit to the museum, we drove to Changi City Point for lunch and some shopping...window shopping really because we didn't buy anything save my sister who went and got a hair cut. The rest of the staycation was pretty much covered in the previous post, and hence our staycation ended on a pretty hasty note as we checked out in the wee hours of Christmas morning the next day, heading for the hospital.

I joked that Mom checked out of one place only to check into another. I feel quite worried for my Mom, who's now warded in SGH till next week. I'm sure she really wants to come back home with us. It must be awfully lonely to be spending your time in the ward with nurses fussing over you and the slightly putrid smell of sickness and sanitizer in the air. We left at 8 pm after giving Mom a hug, and she sighed about how lonely she'd be after we leave. I'm going to visit her again tomorrow evening with Dad, and I pray she feels much better.

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