Friday 21 June 2013

Actually Lovin' This Haze


It's going to be the start of the last week of June hols and YES i am freaking out like a little shit cos of MYEs.

I'm crossing my fingers really really hard that some miracle of some sort will happen - the haze will be so terrible it shoots to the "it-will-seriously-kill-you-like-a-zombie-virus-thing" range and SCHOOL WILL BE CLOSED FUCKYEAHH NO MORE MYEs!

or even something like getting struck by lightning and suddenly gaining powers like an IQ of 1 million or super good memory to help ace my exams.

Hah. what am i thinking. But i somewhat like this haze (hey thanks Indonesia) cos when i wake up in the morning and look out of the window i like to imagine we're in apocalyptic times *cue dramatic music* and mankind is fighting for survival or some shit. And then i don a mask to protect me from the poisonous fumes that will kill me if i inhale too much and step out of the shelter of my home into the dangerous world where i will scavenge for supplies to aid me through the tough times.

okay yes enough samantha you lil brat. stop cursing the world for goodness' sake.

So besides studying at Limbang Macs and working i've been Youtubing and listening to music to chill off. Have you heard of PEWDIEPIE ?! HAHA he's amazing he's so funny this is the first video of his i saw and after that i went to watch his montages and gameplays (so far i've watched Misao, Mad Father, Gretel and Hansel, Pizza 1 & 2 and some episodes of Happy Wheels)
He does mostly action and horror genre games (i likey) plus his commentaries are hilarious.

Then while studying i've been listening to music in my IPhone and there's this song i've listened to for trillions of times yet i never get sick of it (You know there're songs you listen to alot at first but after a while you just skip it when it comes on cos you're SICK of it) but not this. It's Young Folks by Peter John and Bjorn. Okay the music video is kinda boring but i love the music. I never ever get sick of it!And it holds not much of a meaning too.

Anws my birthday's coming soon and mom keeps asking if i want to have friends over for a celebration but i was like no, cos my friends all live in the east area except Dawn and my birthday's in a busy and critical time (during MYEs dammit).17 huh...i'm finally going to be 17. With every passing year i find birthdays less and less significant and all i just want is a simple meal and cake. (STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE PUHLEASSSEEE)
Gosh i feel old.

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