Sunday, 30 April 2017


It's been a week since the semester (and therefore my second year of university) ended for me with finals. It's been a hectic semester, yes, but as much as I'm relieved with the start of summer break, I don't intend to stay idle for long. I'm going to spend this summer trying as many things I've always wanted to do as I can, and make my time count.

It'd also be a way for me to mark my 21st year. 21 is the age where people here celebrate independence - but they commonly do it by throwing some elaborate party with dress codes and themes where everyone has a great time socializing. Mom has been urging me about my plans to celebrate my birthday this year, suggesting throwing a party of sorts as well.

But I'm pretty much adamant not to, for various reasons. First off, I'd joke and declare that I've no friends. Okay, I do have friends, but they don't constitute a group familiar with one another. It'd not only be awkward for them to have to meet people they don't know (or don't like), but extremely tiring for me to have to go around entertaining different groups of people. Which brings me to my next point.

Since it's my birthday, I'd want to spend my time and resources on myself and only those I hold dearest to my existence (instead of swearing under my breath as I make a mess of myself having to entertain others at a party filled with people who're just there to observe the niceties). That makes sense, at least to me. Of course, it's perfectly fine for anyone out there to want to throw a 21st birthday bash if they so desire. But I find it more meaningful to consider my 21st year as the start of many changes and new experiences, and not so much a lavish declaration to the world about my independence.

I'm not going list the things I'm gonna try out during the break, because I feel as if I'd jinx it that way and end up not fulfilling them. In fact, I don't really have a fixed list to begin with, only a few ideas bubbling in my head for me to toy with at the moment. I've already started a couple of them since the beginning of this year too.

Hopefully when it all comes to an end, I can truly be satisfied with my time and resources well-spent, memories well-made, and a year well-lived.

Monday, 24 April 2017

Skin Weaver

I am a meticulous skin weaver.
On me are many scars and scabs
Sustained from words of spite
Eyes filled with malice
Reaching deep into my flesh

I stand naked in front of the mirror
Over their rough, bumpy surfaces
I run my fingers thoughtfully
How unsightly, how unwanted
I set on weaving a new skin

Flawlessness is beyond me
but faultless this skin will be
No one can pick at anything
So that they wouldn't say those words
Or look at me that way again

I wear this skin with pride
They praise me for it
They know me for it
Oh, if only I could grow
Into this skin

I cloak myself in it with care
Let them appreciate it
But only from afar -
Lest they find you out
Don't run, trip and fall

For it would not do
To rip it apart and reveal
The rotting flesh beneath
That is my insecurity.