This cover picture kinda matches my mood towards the summer break now. When it isn't pouring in Singapore, the sun blazes high in the azure crystal skies, accentuating the tops of multi-coloured HDB blocks in the distance and reflecting off the windscreens of passing cars and buses. And I think to myself:
which roughly translates to "This is summer, isn't it."
"夏だね (read: natsu da ne)"
which roughly translates to "This is summer, isn't it."
Even though it's the same time of the year where students take a break from school, summer break certainly feels slightly different from the "June Holidays" I'd been so accustomed to back in my uniformed school days.
Today, I met up with my best friend Dawn and spent most of the day with her mostly just catching up - reminiscing about old classmates, talking about our lives, etc. It was rather fitting too, since we travelled the road of nostalgia to the East just to be able to dine at ThaiPan (a restaurant in a housing estate nearby our Junior College where we and many other VJ students past and present patronise for its buttered squid) and satisfy our craving for buttered squid. Sadly we reached the doorstep of ThaiPan only to find to our great horror that it was closed. :(
We took a bus to I12 Katong, another past favourite after-school haunt of ours to have a late lunch. As we hung out today, we just talked freely about anything and everything, and it made me realise how nice it is to have constants in life. Even though Dawn and I attend different universities and don't meet or chat very often now, it doesn't feel awkward at all when we do get together and talk. She's still the same old straightforward person who exasperates me with candid mannerisms and comments (such that I'd have to ask her to lower her voice when talking about socially sensitive issues in public), but also the same old trusty friend who gives her honest opinions and advice with an unspoken understanding about the sort of person I am, both good and bad parts.
We're actually applying to work part-time at Uniqlo together for this summer break too, since we have more free time on hand without school. Hopefully we get the job!
As usual, we took selfies like the shameless lasses we are! But before you see how we look as 20 year olds in 2016 with our personal grooming shit finally together (or at least more so compared to our clueless and hopeless selves in the past), here's a throwback to year 2014, having completed one of our prelim papers and eating at Ramen Play at I12 Katong I think:
Laughing at the striking maroon VJ jackets we're wearing, our hair, and our attempt at pulling off decent smiles despite our exhaustion from A Level prep!
And behold, us in 2016:
As usual, we took selfies like the shameless lasses we are! But before you see how we look as 20 year olds in 2016 with our personal grooming shit finally together (or at least more so compared to our clueless and hopeless selves in the past), here's a throwback to year 2014, having completed one of our prelim papers and eating at Ramen Play at I12 Katong I think:
Laughing at the striking maroon VJ jackets we're wearing, our hair, and our attempt at pulling off decent smiles despite our exhaustion from A Level prep!
And behold, us in 2016:

HAHA Dawn if you're reading this I'm sure you're wondering why I blew up the picture so big - and honestly I don't know either.
I really do appreciate Dawn as a close friend, and a couple other close friends even though I don't show it that well. Considering I'm someone who has some difficulty in being truly at ease around others due to my fear of exposing all of my true self, which also stems from a sort of general distrust and a fear of rejection and being taken advantage of, I think having a friend that close is quite a feat in itself. My Navigators mentor, Chanhye, told me that this distrust that I have towards people is something she hopes would be healed in time, since it would become troublesome in the future when I do have to put my full trust and faith in others such as my husband (she specifically said husband, though I'm truly still uncertain whether I would ever get into a relationship, much less a marriage).
People may fail and disappoint, but God is constant, isn't He? Much more than even myself in fact, since my feelings and emotions are prone to fluctuate and my resolve trembles at times. As written in Numbers 23:19, "God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?"