Starting off a long post with a pretty picture of my new (and my first!) dream catcher! This is the only well-taken picture I have out of the pictures I'm posting today so that's why it made the cover :) I haven't had great dreams lately.
I could talk for hours about dreams, but I think that few have the interest (or patience) to converse with me about them. The last person I've had a proper discussion with about dreams was ol' Boston from guitar, and he was telling me that he met this girl called Jade in his dreams but could never actually remember her face. I hope he meets this Jade soon in real life :) I used to have weird but really horrid nightmares about lifts with hanging bodies in them, but instead of those I'm now having nightmares that are even more distasteful - dirty public toilets. I'm not even kidding! You're probably laughing now but just you try dreaming about toilets with rows and rows of cubicles that you open hoping to find a decent seat for your derriere only to find some disgusting surprise waiting for you. And no, I didn't pee in my sleep if that's what you're wondering. (which is a pretty awesome thing if you think bout it). Hopefully this dream catcher filters off all the horrendous icky dreams through those little holes.
Last Thursday my sister Stacey treated the family and Justin to a meal of TEPPANYAKI (YAY) at Sakae because she just received her bonus from work. We had quite a lot of food and the bill came to about 200 bucks. I mean, WOW.
I LOVE TEPPANYAKI SOOOO MUCHH! I have this secret (and weird) ambition to eat food on my own someday, like a whole dish of Chilli Crab to myself, have a Korean BBQ table to myself (so i won't have to jostle for space to cook my meat on the hot plate) etc., and Teppanyaki's on my list! I definitely will come back to eat again - the food was so good. They had foie gras that could melt in your mouth, and the clams were solid (not literally)!
But the highlight of the meal was not the food. Justin and Stacey had BIG news for us - Justin had proposed to my sister. Ahhh, another daughter about to be married off from the Leong household. And I'm just 18? Of course I was elated! But this new revelation hasn't quite sunk in yet so things seem to be as normal.
Cute Singing Dins
Then the next morning on Friday, the school had the Harvard Dins and Tonics guys (cutiesss) perform during assembly in the hall! (The hall's acoustics didn't do justice to their voices of gold :/ )
I had a dumb blonde moment before the performance:
Friends: Omg Harvard Din and Tonics are gonna perform later!
Me: Oh I saw someone tweet about that yesterday night. What are they?
Friend 1: They're an acapella group and I heard they're good supposedly.
Me: Oooh wow an acapella group. Where are they from?
Friend 1: (...)
Friend 2: omg...
Friend 1: Uh. Harvard? *insert 'duh' face*
Me: Ohhhhh.
I really didn't know okay ><
Anyway these guys are AWESOME. and really cute too :P They all had voices with different characters that sound superb in their own way. I particularly enjoyed the 'McDonald's Girl' and 'Fly' numbers. I laughed so much during 'McDonald's Girl' that I cried and doubled over.
This is my favourite Din - Justin Giallorenzo (<3<3<3), yet it's a poorly taken picture, as if he photobombed the picture like that other Din in the corner :( Apparently alot of other girls like him too! He's the current Music Director of the Dins and he does Psychology (heheh this is from my stalking spree on their website). *fangirls*
I felt that this Din was one of the best singers - he can reach the really high notes! Haha he looks goofy in this picture. When I asked him for a picture he was like "sure!" but he looked really tired and hot (IN BOTH SENSE!) so I apologised and he said "Oh, why are you apologising it's okay!" in that accent and I just swooned inside *dead*. As you can see in my left hand, I bought a CD from them! Dawn and I decided to share it but we concluded that it would be mine mostly since Dawn won't listen to it frequently.
The song goes "I am in love with the McDonald's girl. She is an angel in a polyester uniform.".
And I'm like "I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU!" <3
Sigh I can still remember last year's farewell, and writing a post titled "Farewell and Fare well" on this blog...and now it's come to my very own farewell. Will I fare well? (LOL)
Not everyone came, but it was still fabulous and fun with all the activities and food and performances the lovely juniors prepared for us (the farewell we organised last year dulls in comparison to this year's).
Well I'll just flood the post with photos now!
First off, retarded and unglam selfies with Marquitella! (Vernice LOL). So glad to have gotten to know her better through being school mates and CCA mates, even though as secondary schoolmates we barely knew each other!:)
The mandatory BP-VJ guitar ensem shot! Hopefully next year we'll have BPVJ juniors as well:)
Vernice looks like Yeexin now that she cut bangs! While I was taking this photo everyone behind me were like WHOAAA and OMG TWINS!
Princess Juju, Marquitella and yours truly :)
4/6 Alto 2! I actually like my ghost 'Home Alone' face very much even though my contacts were close to popping out while making that face.
5/6 Alto 2! Sushmita 'Sushi' couldn't make it last min, so we substituted her with a sushi! Look, we really got a sushi there if you look close enough.
This group selfie is so cute hahaha
Us with the stickers Papa Sungha 'Jing' Jingxiu got for us!
Left: My mortal Tianchang! I hope I've been a good Angel to you :)
Right: My SL Papa Sungha 'Jing'! Thank you for being such a great SL to us girls, caring for our wellbeing like a dad!:)
Me, Boston, Phin, Anisah, Jingxiu and Bernard!
The EXCO team I work with :) Ryan the QM, Bernard the chairman, Juju the treasurer, Phin the vice-chair and Gilbert the student conductor! We have had so much fun it almost didn't feel like work sometimes.
Infusing the last of our powers into these lil' descendants of ours!
The Junior EXCO are the ones who helped make the farewell so successful :')
Time flies so fast. And the A Levels are looming so close. Sigh I would very much love for time to stop :(